Business advice is probably the most important advice offered to any one person who wants to succeed in the heady world of big business. There are many programmes on tv, both mainstream and the odd little satellite stations for the domestic family on how to improve their lives. En masse they are being cojoled into taking holidays in the sun; buying a dream home in the sun; learning to live with current home or taking the plunge and moving, also to the sun. There are many more and just as many gardening programmes for the family exhausted by the usefulness of their house. Then there are the endless programmes showing us how to declutter our homes and get our lives back under srtreamlined control so we can just breathe and live normally again. Whatever normal is.
There are hardly any business advice programmes. This could be because the subject generates a huge amount of revenue for niche advisors throughout the land and they obviously don’t want some clever person underselling them. There is one programme that has a panel of the country’s most well known backers asnd business moguls who see would-be enrepreneurs presenting their pitch to attrat business pasrtners and funding. They may not get backing but they certainly go home with tons of free advice on getting on better without their intervension. Some of the failures have gone on to make millions after the publicity.